Stories of the open road

Tales of a Vagabond...

“Love is strong yet delicate.

It can be broken.

To truly love is to understand this.

To be in love is to respect this.”

This week was a wicked cupid week if you ask me, the love guru. “Love is painful” was the, most repeated quote and Lionel Richie’s “Tender heart” was the most heard song!

Now, my friends I understand that this is not a ‘my bloody valentine’ but frankly this week I have heard about heartbreaks over and over again. And love guru means to wield hearts, so naturally such news gives pain to him.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Now, again talking about the causes and cures of heartbreaks is useless with a capital U! Maybe all the causes of the up’s and down’s is the climate change with its recent cats and dogs rain. But, today Love guru wants to share a small talk that he had with a good friend.

About the friend, she is a charming lady. Elegant and sweet… Yet never lucky enough with matters of romance. So she broke up with her 99th Soul mate and grieves.

She was in such a mental dilemma before Love Guru even touched her mind. She has become skeptic about love now as previously she was a very lovely sweetheart living on the happier themes of love. But the matter was she was not so good at choosing the right person and she was craving for romance, she needed to be loved and she wanted to love so much. And people simply used her.

So, Love Guru decided to reveal to her the true form. He told her everything he thinks about her. To Love Guru, she is such a gem, a lovely nightingale! And she asked back, “If I am as good as you say; why do people leave me”? That was a very good question indeed and Love Guru froze for a while.

“Because, Gems should end up in the top of a crown and not in some useless fellow’s hand” I said. And even a blind man cannot understand the true value of a gem. And she realized and laughed.

Story ends and Love guru wants to say something. “Wait until the climate changes, romance will blossom again”!


Love Guru

Published on Youth Mirror - Daily Mirror (25th November 2010)


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